Together we grow
JA Europe and UNICEF join forces
to support young Ukrainians and Europeans from neighbouring countries develop the mindset and skillset to build thriving communities. Through the free modules on this platform, young people are invited to learn about themselves, their aspirations, and start building a better life for themselves and those around them
“My JA experience is unforgettable and has helped me in a very challenging time of my life. It gave me a taste of what entrepreneurship is, and I am sure I will go back to it after my university studies!”
– Nikita, former JA student
Frequently asked questions
This website is created by JA Europe, with the support of UNICEF and several partners, to offer young Ukrainians and Europeans from neighbouring countries, with education content. The courses can be taken online, on your own or with a group of friends. They offer an opportunity to learn about yourself, your strengths and aspirations, and get into action.
This website is free of use. Create an account, log in and get started! Learn about yourself, discover your strengths, your as-pirations, and how to get into action!
The content of this website is for people between 13 and 18 years old. It is for young people who are curious to learn about themselves, their strengths and aspirations, and how entrepre-neurship education can help them get into action.
This project is a collaboration between Junior Achievement, the leading youth serving organisation whose mission is to prepare young people to succeed in a global economy, and UNICEF, who works to save children’s lives, to defend their rights, and to help them fulfil their potential, from early childhood through adolescence. It is supported by many partners, as you can see here.
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They supported the creation of this website

They support our activities with young Ukrainians